ADC Program Purpose and Goals

What is the purpose of the ADC Program?

  • In the United States, an estimated 5.7 million persons are affected by Alzheimer’s disease, the most common type of dementia

  • Quality of care for dementia is poor compared with that of other diseases that affect older persons

  • Annual U.S. costs of dementia care continues to climb; estimated at $290 billion in 2019, about half of which is borne by Medicare

  • Older persons with dementia have 3 times as many hospital stays as others their age as well as higher medical provider, nursing home, home health, and prescription drug costs.

  • In 2019, friends and family of people with Alzheimer's and other dementias will provide an estimated 18.5 billion hours of unpaid care, a cost to the nation valued at $234 billion

What are the ADC Program’s goals?

  • Maximize patient function, independence and dignity

  • Minimize caregiver strain and burnout

  • Reduce unnecessary costs through improved care

The ADC program was developed based on theory and evidence for enabling, empowering, and supporting caregivers as well as providing disease management/care coordination to navigate the complicated health care system.